Friday, November 29, 2013


Well once again Thanksgiving has come and gone, everyone has eaten too much, the good dishes are washed and put away until Christmas, and the crazy family members have retreated to their homes for another month. This year, Thanksgiving was very different for us here at the Shope house, Doyle had to work so Abby and I spent the day at my mamaw's house with my family. We missed not having him with us but at the same time enjoyed being around those we hardly get to visit with. I remember the excitement about going to mamaw and papaw's house for the holidays when I was growing up. All the cousin's would get together and have a blast! This year was the first year that Abby really showed excitement for getting to spend the day with her cousins. It brought back a lot of sweet memories for me since the cousins she was excited about seeing belong to the cousin I was always close to growing up. I loved hearing their laughter and whispers as they played.

As I sat there listening to the giggles from the kids I felt like it was twenty years earlier and I was in the middle of all the giggling. It's funny how when you are a kid the people you love seem to have some sort of age freeze. I remember my mamaw always being so radiant and busy all the time and my mom always seemed tall to me. Sitting at the dinner table yesterday I realized that time had claimed mamaws radiance and had somehow shrunk my mom. I know this sounds a bit crazy but it broke my heart to watch my mamaw, the person I grew up adoring so much, struggle for breath. If there was ever a time I wished for a time machine it was right there in that moment. I couldn't help but think this could possibly be the last Thanksgiving we spend with my sweet mamaw and likely one of the last two my family will spend in the states.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:10-12  
I know I have used this verse before but I can honestly say that He does have great plans for my family and each day brings proof of that. Since my last post, Doyle and I have had to answer questions about our inner most being, details that most people don't know about us. I honestly felt violated in some way that couldn't really make sense but with God's help we made it through each and every round of questions. Both Doyle and myself were cleared on our psychological examination and moved on to the next step. I am guessing next week we will get an email or snail mail containing instructions for the next process. This is all becoming so real and moving so quickly, we are excited and I will admit, a little scared. I pray that I will be able to keep writing my blog when we are living half way around the world so I can keep everyone who reads this up to date on all that's going on with us and the people we will meet. For now, you all get to join us on the journey to the ends of the earth! We covet your prayers and thank each and every one of you. Be thankful of what and who God has placed in your lives today and always, you never know when it could all be taken away!

In His Name,

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