Thursday, July 11, 2013

Danger: Road Closed...Please Use Alternate Route

I travel the interstate almost daily so it seems appropriate that God gave me this message while driving to work one morning. You see, life is a lot like traveling the interstate, you usually have several other people there with you. Each of them, in some way, plays a part in you reaching your destination. Most people have a plan or a route designated to get them from point A to point B before getting on the interstate; some just wing it. I'm pretty sure my car has autopilot because there are days that I get to work and honestly don't realize I have been in the car for almost an hour! I pay attention to the road but I also notice the small things that most people never see. For instance, there's a family of turkeys that live in the woods right before the Paul Huff Pkwy exit, or maybe the deer (dead and alive) that are all over, and then there's the sunrise that pops up just as I get off the 25th Street exit. 

I spend my time talking to God the entire length of my trip most mornings and sometimes I spend it praising Him, singing all the way! This particular morning was spent talking to my Heavenly Father as He pointed out these similarities to me. When I get on the interstate I have one purpose, getting to work, but there could also be several things that keep me from getting there or cause me to alter my path. My life has one purpose as well, living for God. I want to to do what is pleasing to Him but often times there are people and things that cause me to alter my path and at times lose my focus completely. I guess you could compare it more like this; the interstate takes me on a pretty straight path to work and life takes me on a path I have chosen straight to the feet of God. 

As I was driving I thought about how cars are like the people in our lives, some are going way too fast, some way too slow, others may be reckless and all over the road, some sleepy and some focused on getting there. Regardless of how we get there, we are all going somewhere! Life is the same way, we are all going somewhere, be it heaven or hell, it's up to us to find the correct path. 

I also realized all the trash, tire pieces, car parts, and animals you see! These things can cause a few problems in your travels for sure.  I compared these to bad people, situations, drugs, alcohol, or just flat-out bad decisions we make. Hitting a deer causes significant damage to a car much like drugs and alcohol causes damage to your body. At times, theses things can correct or wreck us, they can make or break us. Most of all, they change how we get to where we are going. 

The route I travel is known for dense, heavy fog in certain areas. The closer you get to the fog zone, the bigger the signs. Some even light up with flashing messages to warn you of what lies ahead. Signs alert you to lower your speed and turn on your low beams. There are also places where the on ramps are blocked off to keep you from getting on the interstate. This reminds me of the Holy Spirit, our guide who warns us to steer clear of life's dangers. John 14:26 (NIV) But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. 

One of the most crucial parts of the interstate would have to be the emergency lane. Most often you pass broken down cars/trucks and accidents pulled off into this lane. A few times I have used the emergency lane when rain come down so violently that I couldn't see where I was going. I would pull over until the storm cleared enough that I could safely continue my journey. Do we sometimes treat our prayer life like an emergency lane? Do we only use it when things get difficult or when things break down? Perhaps if we were in a constant state of communication with God, we would hardly ever be in need of the emergency lane. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 (NIV) Pray continually

All of life's daily obstacles could easily cause us to lose our focus on the end result of our journey here on Earth. These things may cause us to want to take the off ramp and change our route because the one we are on has gotten too hard. My friend, let me encourage you to look not at today's situations but at what waits for you at the end. God is already there and knows what awaits us, we only need to trust and believe in Him. He will be with us always! Proverbs 3:5-6 (ESV) Trust in the Lord with your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will straight your paths.

My prayer is that anyone reading this who may be stuck in the emergency lane or maybe you have pulled off your path completely because it's too hard, that God guides you back on the right path...the one that leads straight to Him. If you have questions or comments please feel free to message me. Thanks again to all who read this, sorry the posts have been few and far between...I find it hard to write when I'm not alone and in a quiet place!

Be Blessed,
><> K <><

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