Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Wolves in Sheeps Clothing

I know you have all heard the saying "a wolf in sheeps clothing", an all too familiar term for those hiding behind a nice act. How about this one..."not all that glitters is gold"...the list goes on and on and at some point in life you come to completely understand the true meaning of these sayings. The world is full of people who put on the nice front to your face but deep inside lies a totally different person, a person who is out to destroy everything you hold dear and close to your heart. When the wool comes off and the truth is revealed, hurt and anger take hold of you. You can't breathe, confusion eats away at you, your stomach is tied in a million knots, and nothing is comfortable. In quiet times your mind won't shut off and you think of the hurt, where you failed, and what you need to do to fix it all so your life can return to what you thought was normal. Will you ever feel the same? 

How do I know these things? Because I have lived it and have to look that wolf in the eye almost everyday of my life. It amazes me how some people live to destroy families and the people around them never detect it until someone gets hurt. There are days that I wish I could turn my mind off, just go numbly through a day without thinking about it, unfortunately, there's no off switch. I drive myself crazy with the where did I go wrong thoughts and the maybe if I were skinny and prettier junk. Thought's that I shouldn't be having but allow to take over my quietness. I'm sure with God's help and a little time it will get better but for now all I can do is pray that hedge of protection around my family and wait for God's healing.